set sail

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set sail

英 [set seil]

美 [sɛt sel]

set sail基本解释

起航; 启航; 扬帆; 起锚


  • 网络解释

1. 起航:8.sing high praise for 高度赞扬 | 9.set sail 起航 | 10.send in 上交

2. 开航,起航:5、set a severed limb:断肢再接 | 6、set sail:开航,起航 | 7、set the camera lens:调整(相机)镜头

3. 启航:set...out列举 | set sail启航 | set... to work使开始工作

4. set sail的解释

4. 开航:set over 移交 | set sail 开航 | set scene 台景

  • 临近词
Horn sounded, immediately set sail.(号角响起,即刻起航。)
This was nearly a century before Christopher Columbus first set sail on his journey of discovery to America.(这是在克里斯托弗。哥伦布第一次起航发现美洲之旅的近一个世纪以前。)
2we found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia, went on board and set sail.(遇见一只船,要往腓尼基去,就上船起行。)
Soon after the ship set sail, a terrible storm blew up.(很快,在船启航以后,一场可怕的暴风雨就来临了。)
It probably set sail from Guangzhou, the largest of the ports linked by the Maritime Silk Route.(而且很有可能事在广州启航,当时的广州是海上丝绸之路的港口中最大的港口。)
The ship set sail this morning.(这艘轮船今天早晨起航了。)
They set sail with the first fair wind.(顺风一起他们就扬帆出航了。)
The boats set sail from Cyprus on Friday and arrived in Gaza after a 32-hour journey on the Mediterranean Sea.(这两艘船星期五从塞浦路斯启航,在地中海上经过32个小时的航程抵达加沙。)
"If pirate ships were to set sail from Leningrad, we wouldn't let them get away with that," he said.(“如果海盗船将要从列宁格勒启航,我们不会让他们逍遥法外的,”他说。)
So the sailors hoisted the flags and set sail.(于是海员升起船旗出发了。)
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